Post by thebadbitch on Jul 10, 2012 8:46:09 GMT
'No, je ne regrette rien.'
'No, je ne regrette rien.'
hey there! so, tell us all about you... let's start off with the basics. what do we need to know?
"Alright, so, my name is Elaine Martinique Gaultier-Sainfriére. I am 52 years old, but you don't tell zat sorta zhings to people. Neither do you ask zhem. I am a 'uman, which is also a très weird question, mademoiselle. I do not 'ave nicknames and if I 'ad zhem, I would not tell you zhem. Nicknames are private.
so, a little birdy told me that you're pretty gorgeous... describe yourself.
"Describe myself? Well, I am 52, which makes me have some wrinkles, but people always zhink I am 40 or so. Like I said, zhey say I look like Kelly Rutherford, I zhink mainly because I also 'ave blue eyes and blond 'air and am quite skinnie, and all zhat. I ofcourse do not 'ave zhose disgraceful tattoos or piércings, other zhan in mes oreilles. C'est 'orrible, vat people do to zheir body. I always dress très stylishly and neat, also a bit vit fashion, but since I am getting older, it ies not as much depending on my clotzhing anymore as iet used to be. "
i'm sure that your personality is something else completely, tell me all about your self, can't wait to hear it!
"Well, zhey say zhat I am quite a bitch. But zhat is nasty talk, you should not believe it. People are just jealous of me, because I have made it so well in life, you see, I am a french aristocrat and am at the top of the sociale ladder, and zhey can not handle zhat. I am always acting zhe neat, polite and correct way, because zhat is how I was raised, and I like iet. My greatest passion is riding 'orses, zhey are so much fun and it is anozher way of zhowing off status. Zhey are magnificent animals, et I am très happy zhat we have zhem. You want to 'ear more? Well, I also like going to zhe shows of my 'usband, yes, zhe fashion shows. I wished I saw my children more often, because I 'ardly ever see zhem, but it ies 'ard, since especially Annette, she 'ates me, and I don't know vhy.
I love music, it ies a great passion of mine, and especially zhe classical music, because it is such static and difficult music to play, I like iet. But I 'ate zhe hiphop music and ozher modern day music, like zhe salsa and ozher latin music, et r&b, all zhose music the pop musicians make, it ies 'orrible. I love to have a walk along the beaches with my 'usband, it makes me feel calm and relaxed and I love iet. I wished my kids would want to see me more often, because I do not know vat I did wrong. I was just trying to do zhe good zhing, but zhey got mad wizh me.
Why I am back in Manuka? Well, because I want to take my daugzher Annette back wizh me to Paris. I want 'er child as 'eir to zhe aristocrat 'eritage of zhe Sainfriéres. She is 'aving a baby, you see? 'Ow I know? I 'ave someone here to check on zhem, reporting to me. I cannot trust zheir father. Ever since Daniel, I stopped believing in romance and I did not find it wizh Jean-Paul eizher, but 'e is a good 'omme, and he takes care of me très bien. I am good in arranging things, and bossing people around because I 'ave been learning zhat since small child. I 'ate zhe loose upbringing of parents zhese days, just letting zheir childs go and do vat zhey like, zhat is not good upbringing, I say.
I desire for my son Jean to love me again, because I know wizh Annette it ies too late. I fear 'owever zhat my daughter has already infiltrated her older brother's mind and will do so zhe same wizh her younger sister Chantelle who is living wizh me, once I get Annette in Paris too. I am bad in zhowing empazhy for people, especially ven zey don't deserve it. "
i would love to hear about your past, i'm sure it's oh so interesting...
"Allright, so my past is razher boring, I was just born in Paris to Alain and Lucette Sainfriére, being zhe zhird child of zhem. Before me there were Alain II Sainfriére et Jacques Sainfriére, who were 4 and 2 years older zhan me. We were 'aving a normal life, just living, and I was raised accordingly to my status, wizh I could always live up to. My brozhers 'ad a 'arder time doing so zhan me, and zhey were always rebelling against our parents, vizh I did not understand. Our life was good zhe way it was, so I zhought. Zhey in the end stopped trusting me, and we did not grow really close. We always 'ad this cat, 'er name was Duchesse, and she was a really sweet cat, white with long hair. A full bred, naturellement, not a mixed one. Please, vat do you zhink of me and my family? Anyways, zhree years after me, two more girls were born, Eugenie et Shanelle Sainfriére. In our youzh not much 'appened zhat is interesting, we just went to l"École pour Mademoiselles et Messieurs Très Instruits, a boarding school vere zhey would teach us all zhe proper manners.
And zhen, ven I got older, somezhing bad 'appened. I met Daniel Mason. 'e swooped me of my feet wizh his american charm and I never got my 'eart back from him. My parents, zhey warned me like; zhis boy is no good for you, but I would not believe zhem. Now I wished I 'ad. I got wizh 'im togezher and my parents zhey kicked me out so zhat I could not be a disgrace to zhem and zhe family. We got 4 children, not my idea, but it just 'appened zhat way. At first zhere was David, then ven I was barely recovered from zhat, one year later I got Jean-Pierre. Zhen again a year later, came zhe biggest worry of mine, Annette. I 'ad so much to worry about zhat I did not work. I send zhem to school and zhey just 'ated me for the upbringing I was trying to give zhem, strict, but so zhey could behave in any social gazhering. Zhat ain't so bad right?
we moved around zhe globe for a while, going to Minnesota to meet Daniel's fazher who was dieing, but it was all nozhing for me. My kids were constantly being mean to me and I just couldn't take it anymore. And some point I got Chantelle, twelve years after my ozher kids. Chantelle was the shining light of my existence, vizh sucked most of zhe times. Annette and I were constantly figzhing, David had died, leaving a huge 'ole in my 'eart and zhings were just tense. And then I got zhe call from my mother, that if I would not divorce and get back to Paris, I would not get my in'eritance. So I divorced Daniel, who could not make me 'appy and wo 'ad been cheating on me, and took Chantelle back wizh me to Paris.
I live zhere now quite 'appily, I just got married to Jean-Paul Gaultier, vizh is a lovely man, evenzho I am not in live wizh 'im. I live a good life, I just need my daugzhers son to have a 'eir to our 'eritage."
who is the amazing mastermind behind the likes of you?
"I am dino, I have been here for quite a while now, with Annette Mason, Cameron Way and Shane Vendetta. This is a temporary char, based for deletion after her purpose has been served."HAHAHAHA no.